The Chip Cassidy Endowment Fund

The American Fine Wine Competition, with the support and encouragement of FIU’s Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism Management and Southern Glazer’s Wine and Spirits, has established the Chip Cassidy Endowment Fund in recognition of his dedication to FIU’s students and alumni, as well as his invaluable contributions to the wine industry.

This fund supports scholarships for FIU students with a demonstrated interest in pursuing a career in and furthering the wine industry, as well as establishes a wine library within the school in Chip’s honor to house his collection of books.

The American Fine Wine Competition aims to raise a minimum of $25,000 for the fund in order to establish an endowment and preserve Chip’s legacy in perpetuity.


About Chip Cassidy

Professor Patrick "Chip" Cassidy (1947-2019) was a world-renowned wine expert who made a life around his committed exploration of wine and sharing his passion with others, and ultimately with his beloved students. Professor Chip, as he was coined by his cherished students, was an immediate success as a teacher. As word got around, students flocked to his classes. Chip was the consummate teacher.

 The students caught on to his passion for the subject and that passion was infectious. He motivated students to learn and want to know more about wine. His teaching went beyond the classroom. Chip took students to wine dinners at local restaurants to teach them about food and wine pairing and ventured on wine tours to California and Spain. He arranged student internships in Napa Valley and abroad. Not only did he teach, but he also introduced the students to the idea of a career in the wine industry and connected them with employers.


Chip was the Director of the Wine Program at the Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism Management at Florida International University and was the driving force behind the program’s success and reputation. He was a master educator, a master motivator and a master mentor. He was loved and respected by alumni around the world. Before he began what would become a truly remarkable career in the industry, Chip was an Army combat medic during the Vietnam War earning two Silver Stars and a Purple Heart for his distinguished service.

Chip Cassidy Distinguished Professorship

In celebration of Professor Cassidy’s life and as a commitment to preserving his legacy, the Chaplin School established the Chip Cassidy Distinguished Professorship. This is separate from The Chip Cassidy Endowment Fund.

This professorship ensures the sustenance and prominence of the Chaplin School’s wine program, supporting in perpetuity the honored role of director in which Chip served so dearly.

By mail

Send your check made payable to FIU Foundation, Inc. to:
FIU Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism Management
Attn: Development Team
3000 N.E. 151st Street, HM 215
North Miami, FL 33181-3000

Please include your gift designation as The Chip Cassidy Endowment Fund in the note section of your check.


Make a pledge, give a single gift, or schedule recurring donations with your credit card by using our secure online giving form. Please ensure you select The Chip Cassidy Endowment Fund as the Designation.

If you would like to make a gift by check or make a multi-year pledge or a planned gift, please contact Megan Meeks, Director, Philanthropy and Partnerships, at 321-704-2166 or Checks should be made payable to FIU Foundation, Inc. – Reference The Chip Cassidy Endowment Fund.

*Select the Chip Cassidy Endowment Fund in the Designation dropdown.