Industry Experience Requirement

Both undergraduate and graduate students are required to get relevant hospitality work experience through the following two requirements:

  • 500–2000 hours of industry experience completed while in the program
  • Minimum 300 additional hours while enrolled in HFT 4945- Advanced Internship/HMG 6946 Graduate Internship

A minimum of 500 documented hours of hospitality/tourism-related practical training work experience is required. In addition, the student is required to complete a minimum of 300 hours in HFT 4945 Advanced Internship/HMG 6946 Graduate Internship.

The work experience and internship hours must be major related and approved by an advisor. Work experience documentation is required. Students with extensive industry management experience may apply for a waiver of the 2,000-hour work experience and Internship.

Note: International students on F1 visas are eligible to work off campus to complete work experience through the Curricular Practical Training (CPT Programs). For more information on CPT, please visit our international curricular and optional practical training page.

Our Chaplin School career development office offers planning and assistance to help hospitality students meet the minimum requirement of industry experience for graduation. For more information on career development, please visit our career office's page.

FIU student workers at a beach event

Work experience qualifications

To ensure that an experience is educational and able to be used towards the requirements, all of the following criteria must be met:

  • The experience must be an extension of the classroom—a learning experience where you can apply the knowledge gained in the classroom. It must not be simply to advance the operations of the employer or be the work that a regular employee would routinely perform.
  • The skills or knowledge learned must be transferable to other employment settings.
  • The experience has a defined beginning and end, and a job description with desired qualifications.
  • There are clearly defined learning objectives/goals related to the professional goals of the student’s academic coursework.
  • There is supervision by a professional with expertise and educational and/or professional background in the field of the experience.
  • There is routine feedback by the experienced supervisor.
  • There are resources, equipment, and facilities provided by the host employer that support learning objectives/goals.


  • How do I obtain an internship/hospitality job?

    The career services department will provide you with all the resources required to apply, interview, and accept positions, but they will not provide you a direct placement into a job or internship.

    Students are encouraged to apply, for positions that are related to the area of the Hospitality Management field (i.e. event planning, hotel/lodging etc.) in which they want to gain more experience and start a career path in. All positions can be paid or unpaid.

    There are several opportunities to engage with employers and apply to positions throughout the semesters.

  • What if I had previous Hospitality Industry related hours prior to starting the program at FIU?

    That’s great! There’s never a negative to having more work experience. We encourage our student to continue building their career plan with our internship experience requirements but all students will be required to complete the minimum industry hours and internship course hours while at FIU.

  • When should I enroll in the internship class?

    You may register for the internship course as soon as you have completed a minimum of 500 hours of industry experience, completion of Pathways 1 & 2 and have a valid hospitality job or internship to complete the course with. The internship course is a capstone course that is designed to help you put into practice many of the skills and concepts you learned at FIU. See your Hospitality Management Advisor for additional details and permission to register for this course.

  • Can I do more than one internship or start my internship early?

    It is a good idea to start seeking internships early in your academic career at FIU. You may participate in one or more internships before you begin the Internship class towards the minimum 500 work experience hours, but the actual class begins the first week of the semester and includes specific requirements for the types of activities you are to engage in and for logging your progress. If you are in an internship prior to the start of the semester, you may continue that internship, as long as your supervisor agrees to the terms of the internship class. For class purposes, week one of your internship will begin after the first week of class and is the starting point for your 300-hour requirement over the semester.

  • Can I do unpaid internships?

    Yes, but we prefer your internship to be a paid experience. The best chance of achieving this objective is to start looking for an internship early on and working with Career development.

  • What is the purpose of the internship?

    The internship is designed to expose you to a career path in the hospitality & tourism industry. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Hospitality Management Advisor or your career counselor.

  • Can I be waived from the internship?

    If you are currently employed, in a managerial position with over 3-5 years of current managerial experience, in a salaried position earning $45,000 or more, you might be eligible to be waived from this requirement. Please speak with an Academic Advisor for more information. Waivers require approval from advising, career services, and our vice dean. Student waived may be enrolled in an alternate internship waiver course and/or may need to complete an additional elective credit.

  • Can I change my employer at any time?

    You are able to use various employers for the 500-2000 hours in preparation of finding the right opportunity to continue with for the internship course.

    Once you are enrolled in the internship course, to be successful in the course and to ensure accurate completion of the project, students must complete the course with one employer. If you need to switch, you will only be able to do so with approval from the professor. If your employment is terminated while enrolled, please reach out to the professor to discuss your current circumstances.

    International students must file a change of employer form any time changing employers under CPT authorization.

  • Is it possible for me to fail the Internship Requirements?

    The internship class is a course is a course with actual assignments related to your job progress and work hours.

    Internship Professors have indicated the following examples of ways a student may not earn a passing grade in this course:

    • You do not complete ten (10) Weekly Work Logs
    • You do not complete your Process Improvement Project
    • You do not turn in two Supervisor’s Work Hour Verification Sheets
    • You Supervisor does not complete the final evaluation

Undergraduate students

Students must complete a minimum of 500 hours of industry-related work while enrolled at FIU. An additional 300 hours and 10 weeks minimum are required to fulfill the HFT 4945 – Advanced Internship course. For questions or concerns regarding requirements, please contact your Academic Advisor or Career Development Counselor.


Graduate students

Students must complete 1,000 hours of hospitality-related practical training work experience plus 300 hours for the Graduate Internship. A minimum of 800 hours must be completed while enrolled in the graduate program at FIU. For questions or concerns regarding requirements, please contact your Academic Advisor or Career Development Counselor.