Imran Ahmad Ph.D.
Office: HM 334
Phone: 305-919-4533
Email: iahmad@fiu.edu
Expertise: Food Process Engineering, Bioprocess Technology, Postharvest Technology, Food Analysis and Quality Assurance, New Product Development, Engineering Properties of Food Materials, Instrumentation
Prior to joining FIU, Dr. Ahmad served as an affiliated faculty member at the Biosystems Engineering Program (undergrduate), Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand) where he lectured and developed new courses such as;
- Food Analysis and Quality Assurance,
- Engineering Properties of Food and Bio-materials
- Biosystems Engineering Applications,
- General Chemistry and Workshop Techniques
During the years 2008-2015, Ahmad served as instructor at the Food Engineering and Bioprocess Technology (FEBT) program, Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand) and co-lectured 3 graduate laboratory courses per year (Food Processing Laboratory, Engineering Properties of Foods, Bioprocess Practica). In addition, he spearheaded Graduate Research Laboratories (i) Food Processing Lab., and (ii) Bioprocess Lab. for 8 years.
Dr. Ahmad has a total 16 years of experience of food industry and graduate level academic research. He has served as a Project Manager (manufacturing) in Dutch Mill Group – Thailand’s largest dairy company. His core areas of research interests are quality management in fresh produce, agri-food supply chain management, application of artificial intelligence in food industry, predictive modelling etc. He has co-supervised a number of research projects in the areas of postharvest of cereals, fruits and vegetables, dairy and value-added food production. He has authored 9 original research papers published in high impact (ISI) journals, 7 conference papers and co-authored 5 book chapters and served as one of the Editors of the text book ‘Functional Foods, Dietary Supplements: Processing Effects and Health Benefits’ published by Wiley-Blackwell (UK). He has provided professional services in Thailand, Pakistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Laos PDR, Vietnam and Cambodia through AIT outreach activities, sponsored research and training projects.